Gun for manual coating with powder and other powder plastic coatings suitable for triboelectric charging. It is versatile and can be used for coating simple parts as well as wire baskets and articulate parts with deep cavities, and other products. By appropriate setting and selection of auxilliary hardware (tubes and sprays) outstanding quality of coating can be achieved on any surface.
The PRSTEN 031 gun is a manual gun with a 1 litre carried hopper (Z1RH). It facilitates an easy and fast change of powder colour. Part of the kit is an air tube with a grounding cable. As a standard it is supplied in the length of 3m but its length is optional and so is the type of ending (threaded or nipple). The threading to which the gun is connected must be grounded.
The gun can include a large number of auxilliary hardware and accessories from our range. Service and all spare parts and elements are easily available.

The length and ending of the air tube is optional

Charging tube – spare parts
Technické parametry
Výkon (při tlaku 3 bar) | až 8,5 kg prášku/hod |
Spotřeba tlakového vzduchu | max 6 m3/hod |
Základní délka hadic | 3 m |
Hmotnost pistole bez hadice | 720 g |
Rozměry pistole | 420 x 150 x 120 mm |